Caterina, Daniela

来源:bat365在线平台 时间:2018-09-24 点击量:

姓名:Caterina, Daniela













2020-2021:‘#Are we all Wuhan?A cultural political economy study of the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy, Germany and France’ – General Project (20,000 CNY) awarded by the Central China Think Tank in the research programme ‘Comprehensive study on the prevention and treatment of “neo-coronary pneumonia” and the modernization of public health governance’ [“新冠肺炎”防治与公共卫生治理现代化综合研究]


2019:Second Prizein the Teaching Competition of HUST (total score: 90.25, ranking 8thin the Liberal Arts Group and 1stin the Faculty of Humanities).

2013:Best Paper Awardassigned at the International Graduate Conference‘Crisis and Governance in Europe: Implications for State, Market and Society’of the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer and the German Research Institute for Public Administration (FÖV) Speyer (Speyer, April 18th-19th2013).


i.Caterina, D. (2019)Struggles for hegemony in Italy’s crisis management. A case study on the 2012 labour market reform.Cham: Springer International. Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-319-95614-5; eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-95615-2 (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-95615-2).


i.Caterina, D. (2020, in press) ‘L’onda lunga: Analisi e riflessioni sulla (crisi della) gestione della crisi in Europa e in Italia, 2008-2012’ [The long wave: Analysis and considerations on the (crisis of) crisis management in Europe and Italy, 2008-2012], in Giannone, D. & Cozzolino A. (eds.)Fratture nell'Unione. L'Europa nelle crisi del XXI secolo[Fractures in the Union. Europe in the crises of the 21stcentury], Milan: Mimesis.

ii.Caterina, D. & Huke, N. (2020) 'Disciplinary effects of capitalist accumulation: Exploring the steering and fiscal capacity of the state in Italy and Spain',Capital & Class, online first.

iii.Caterina, D. (2019) 'Historical materialist policy analysis meets critical discourse analysis of practical argumentation: making sense of hegemony struggles in Italy’s crisis management', in Montesano Montessori, N., Farrelly, M. & Mulderrig, J. (eds.)Critical policy discourse analysis. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 216-241.

iv.Caterina, D. (2018) 'Investigating hegemony struggles: transdisciplinary considerations on the role of a critical discourse analysis of practical argumentation',Critical Discourse Studies,15(3), pp. 211-227.

v.Caterina, D. (2014)Construing and managing the crisis in Italy: a cultural political economy perspective on the labour market reform 2012, Speyer: Deutsches Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung (FÖV).


i.Caterina, D., & Opratko, B. (2020) ‘Wie geht die Rechte mit der Corona-Krise um? Zur Situation in Italien und Österreich’ [How is the right dealing with the Corona crisis? The situation in Italy and Austria]. Available at:https://mosaik-blog.at/corona-rechte-krise/


i.(2020) ‘Die Lega in der Corona-Pandemie’ [The Lega party in the Corona pandemic], Online Conference ‘Rechtspopulismus in der Corona-Pandemie. Europäische Entwicklungen im Vergleich’ [Right-wing populism in the Corona pandemic. European developments compared], Eberhard Karls University Tübingen.

ii.(2020)Plundering the left core: On the economic imaginary of Matteo Salvini’s Lega,4thInternational Conference on Cultural Political Economy, Stoke-on-Trent.

iii.(2019a)Gramsci in China today: actuality and enduring potential of a still open encounter,社会认识与中国道路, HUST, Wuhan.

iv.(2019b)These are not just words: a cultural political economy perspective on the construction of "Europe" in Italy's right-wing populism, Annual Conference of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP), Lecce.

v.(2017)Investigating hegemony struggles: A perspective on cultural political economy and its potential synergies, 3rdInternational Conference on Cultural Political Economy, Lancaster.

vi.(2016)Investigating hegemony in critical policy analysis: The key role of critical discourse analysis (CDA) in a transdisciplinary research framework in three steps, 11thInternational Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis, Hull.

vii.(2014a)Italy’s labour market: the case for reform. Evidence from critical discourse and argumentation analysis, 9thInternational Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis, Wageningen.

viii.(2014b)Shedding critical light on Italy's labour market reform 2012: A historical materialist policy analysis, 2ndEuroacademia Global Forum of Critical Studies, Prague.

ix.(2013a)Construing and managing the crisis in Italy: a cultural political economy perspective on the labour market reform 2012, International graduate workshop ‘Steuerung von Krisen in Europa: Folgen für Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft’, Speyer.

x.(2013b)First attempts at restoring growth: a cultural political economy perspective on Italy's labour market reform 2012, 2ndAnnual Conference of the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute ‘Beyond Austerity vs Growth: The Future of the European Political Economy’, Sheffield.

xi.(2012a)Construing and managing the crisis across two changes of government: A cultural political economy perspective on the Italian case, Conference of the Cultural Political Economy Research Centre‘Never Waste a Crisis. Strategies of Representing and Managing Crisis after the Crash’,Morecambe.

xii.(2012b)Globalization and Europeanization in crisis accounts: A cultural political economy perspective on the Italian case,Annual Conference of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP), Rome.


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